Solution to Street Parking in Los Angeles

In the first half-hour navigating LA, reality sets in: finding street parking is a real struggle, especially without a designated spot. So I think to myself, how about creating a tool that relies on live data and analytics to solve this issue?

Check it out: Link

How Much is your Used Car Worth?

I didn't have a car when I moved to Houston in May, 2022 and just in case you haven't been to Houston, let me put it simply... You need a car. So how about I leverage data science to build a tool that helps me find cars that are within my range and narrows down my list of potential cars? More targeted and less time consuming search...

Check it out: Link

Who is Going to Win the Football Award Ballon D'or in 2023?

Ballon D'or is the most pretige award a footballer can win. It's awarded every year to the best footballer. There was a lot of controversy on who was going to win it in 2023. Let's see what the data has to say!

Check it out: Link


Brief thoughts about experiences and events I've attended

HackSC Hackaton: 24 Hours Building Health Chronicles

Reflection on My First Ten Months as a Programming Tutor

My Medium Blog