24 Hours Coding Sprint to Build a Solution in the Healthcare Vertical

Nov 19, 2023

For this hackaton we chose to work on the Healthcare vertical. Making the right medical assessments is a big deal as that dictates the type of medications or treatment that the patient must undergo. A lot is lost in translation when a patient tries to communicate their pain or symptoms to the doctor, which may lead to a wrong medical assessment and therefore a wrong prescription.

Given this issue, we created Health Chronicles, a solution that parses a casual description of the patient's symptoms into a format that the doctor can understand and have reviewed before the appointment with a patient.

Imagine this: You're playing soccer and you accidentally twisted your ankle, and you friends are taking you to the nearest hospital. This is exactly the type of situation when Health Chronicles becomes extremely helpful. You can go to the website and look for the nearest hospital and then you'll be prompted to explain what happened and explain how you're feeling, then a report will be generated and automatically sent to the hospital so by the time you get there they will have all the information. Please check out the demo below!

Final Thoughts

It was great to get together with fantastic developers to work on a real problem that we believe technology has the potential to solve. The tech stack is mentioned below. However, it is important to mention the importance of choosing the right technologies to create your product. My team got a prize for the Best GoDaddy Domain! Can't wait for the next hackaton!

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Tech Stack

Cloud Providers:

  • Google Cloud Run
  • Vercel
  • Redis Cloud
  • Streamlit Cloud


  • Google Maps API
  • Sendgrid Email
  • OpenAI
  • Beautiful Soup


GoDaddy Domains

Version Control:

Git, Github - https://github.com/juanpi19/healthchronicles